Membership & Onboarding
An overview of the onboarding process to become a KCR member
Following are the steps for individuals to be onboarded and become KCR member.
1. An individual expresses interest in becoming a KCR member
The individual may express interest by:
emailing us at
messaging us on social media
attending a public info session
They will be asked to fill a form to share the following information:
Name or nickname
Gender pronouns
Phone number (optional)
Cross streets (this will help us determine who lives nearby to become their Buddy)
Why do you want to join KCR?
Previous organizing experience (including organizations or fields)
Skills or competencies you want to contribute (optional)
2. The People’s Operations team assigns the individual a Buddy
The Buddy shares the code of conduct and the Team handbook with the New Member
The Buddy sets up a one-on-one meeting with the individual
3. One-on-one meeting
The purpose is to provide a grounding on what the group is and how we fit into the community, and ensure that the New Member is a good fit. The KCR Buddy will meet with the interested person and:
Provide background information on what we hope to accomplish, what the roles are, ways we communicate, and overall our larger goals
Discuss with the new member on how they’ve managed conflicts in the past
Answer the New member’s questions
This can be before or after attending the core meeting.
4. Joins Core Meetings
New members will receive an email or message with the meeting information from their Buddy
Debrief is offered by the Buddy after meeting and then one-on-one is scheduled if applicable
5. Attends a New Member Orientation
Within the month, the New Member attends a workshop which includes education on homelessness, domestic violence, mental health crises, abolitionism, etc.
The last part of Orientation includes reading and discussion of code of conduct and acquiring participants' verbal agreement.
6. Assign role/responsibility based on personal preferences, skills, and organizational needs
Step 1: New member identifies the roles/responsibilities they would like to participate in
Step 2: Operations team matches new member to needed role/responsibility
Step 3: Invite to communication/decision-making platforms and send new member training materials/tutorials
Last updated